Thursday, June 23

"I finally get you in a prone position and I'm facing the wrong way..."

Mes Amis

Some walk by night... Paramount Comedy's been repeating Moonlighting and, quite frankly, its easy to forget just how damn good the show was, with more excellent jokes per minute that anyone seems capable of at the moment. Of course, it was created by people who didn't really know TV and therefore just went with their gut, meaning there really was nothing else like it and hasn't really been since. Bruce Willis is excellent (but the guy makes even crappy films, like Striking Distance watchable if hardly enjoyable) and even the normally absolutely shite Cybill Shepherd brings a real charm and awareness to proceedings. So now my morning viewing is complete. I mean, this morning's take on Star Wars where Addison duels with mops - the bad guy's is red and his is blue - to the strains of the grand John William's theme was... well, when you write it down it sounds as funny as Patrick Kielty, but really, folks, great stuff...

Too Late.. for me to think about more changes to the manuscript. Its out in the post system. So hopefully they'll like this redraft and I can get down to the next part of this publishing game. Really, I need the money (just ten pence'd help a poor Fifer...)

Its just a comic book movie... Much as I loved Batman Begins (Oh, yeah... still drooling when I think of it) I hate the fact its a 12A. In fact I hate 12A. This is not a movie for kids. Same with the Spiderman film, which I think was too much about issues older kids might have be having for the young kids to give a shit (they just wanna Spidey spin around the roof, they don't want to think about great power and great responsibility or, worse yet, worrying if the pretty girl next door likes you) and Batman was too much about adult themes and thoughts of terror to have kids in there. And yet, lo and behold, two kids who must have been about seven or eight were sat nearby me in the cinema, brought in by their father who clearly thought, "Oh, well, its a comic book film". They were bored rigid during the character building stuff and scared shitless during the action. It was too dark, too adult, too fucking complex for them. And damn straight, too. Quite frankly, let em wait. Fuck the parents who, without seeing a film, say "Oh, its just a comic book movie, little Johnny'll love it." It makes me damn mad. More than that, it makes me mad to hear them asking questions all the way through the film like, "Whens'e gonnae become Batman? Why's 'e talkin' so much?" and so forth before hearing them whimper like little girls when Scarecrow used his fear gas. I think films shouldn't be graded so much on violent/sexual content as thematics as well and plot complexity. I can see why the violence was enough for it to be a 12, but frankly its still too much for little Johnny to understand and at two and a half hours, they had to keep running down the cinema to go pee which is mightily fuckin' irritating when you're engrossed by Christian Bale's devil voice and The Scarecrows terrifyingly blue eyes.

Anyway, mes amis, that's all for now.

Au revoir


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