Tuesday, July 5

Wait... worry... who cares?

Mes Amis

On a darker note... I got the DVD of Millenium Season 1 a week ago and, by God, its a bleak show. I never really watched it the first time round. The X Files connection put me off a little, but this is seriously dark crime drama with a supernatural edge here in the first season. Lance Henriskon is suitably world weary as Frank Black and there's barely a hint of light throughout the whole thing. Serial killers, rapists and scumbags seem to be forcing all that's good out of the world and its all Lance can do to stop the filth spreading any further. Sometimes it gets difficult to watch (The Well Worn Lock) but its so well done you can't help but continue... apparently things got more supernatural in season 2 but as a series of stand alone supernaturally-tinged psycho-dramas, Millenium season 1 is top notch stuff.

Mother... the blood... speaking of Psycho's, just read the novel Psycho, by Robert Bloch, which was later turned into the movie by Mr Hitchcock himself. Absolutely wonderful stuff and, at only 150 pages, amazingly trim. Hard to get used to the idea of Norman as fat and fortyish with glasses, but all the same this is well worth rediscovering.

Anyway, mes amis, that's all for now.

Au revoir


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