Thursday, September 1



I'm so tired today. Fuck knows how I'm so tired, I'm going to sleep at night and all but I just don't feel like I've had any rest at all. I feel like I'm drunk. I just wanna sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

Gimmie a 'C' please Bob...

So I'm gonna go play bass with a new group later on today. I'm quite nervous. I think I'm a bit slack on the bass just now, I panic too much when I'm playing.
I like the guitarist who invited me along, Bob, so being bad in front of him will be fucking knarly.
On a plus note (Boom tish!) I got some strap locks yesterday so I'm very chuffed that in the middle of playing something my bass isn't gonna suddenly thud onto the floor like a bit of cheap plywood. That 'thud' noise can have me waking up in a cold sweat at night. There is also a really wierd feeling that goes along with that, usually in the middle of something good my bass suddenly becomes ,like, weightless. And I feel like I'm in slow motion and go "waaaaaaaaaaa!" THUMP. Then everyone else gets that little 'o' shaped mouth like a porn video and I look at them with big wide eyes and then down at my stricken bass lying there and then I grab it like a mother clutching a road accident kid. And I cry. :-)
I'm in a rough position that I think a lot of people get into, if I break my bass I seriously couldn't afford to get a new one. I doubt I could afford to get it fixed realistically. So I buy strap locks.

where has the badger gone?

Well, for those of you who keep up with these blogs, you'll know that he's off to chicago Today, For those of you who don't read the blogs that was a great inclusive fact laden sentence above.
In fact I think he's already gone, cos he's leaving on a jet plane, don't know when he'll be back again!!!! Actually, Monday around 2pm.
So Scotland is currently Russless. Its strange knowing he's not around but I hope He's having a great time. He's getting to do some kind of panel discussion on short story writing, which is further up his alley than some copulating drunks. Personally I'm hoping for freebies. Even the complimentary mint from his pillow would do.
So when he comes back were off out in the bonny city of Glasgow for some beer and a chance for Russ to Pass out from jet lag and spend his waking moments saying "and then.... and then....."
Safe home Ruski!

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