Saturday, April 23

Just because I can't believe it

Mes Amis

Another quickie... but don't worry cos we got all the time in the world... Really, seriously, these guys can't be for real... can they?...


(PS, if anyone really has to try this thing I take no fuckin' responsibility - - but do come back and let me know if I become a name to rival that of Willy Shakespeare)


Jen Jordan said...

I suspect that unless humans soon morph their DNA with that of cockroaches, the future will not be an issue.

Then we would be humoaches.

Or cockmans.

Let's stick with the first one, shall we?

Bugtastic said...

jeez. If this was real wouldn't some of us have disappeared already? or something....

Russel said...

In Dundee, Jen, the future is already here - we have plenty of cockmans roaming the streets...

And, Becs, this might explain what happened to Scot... He's not just stopped talking to people, he's been taken to the future... woooooo...