Thursday, December 7

2 posts in one week!

To begin, a joke:
Batman runs up to this guy and hits him with a vase shouting "t'pau!"
The guy says "don't you mean "kerpow?"
Batman says "no, I've china in my hand"
With thanks to the guy who writes in to the metro with jokes.

I've had a restorative coffee about an hour ago so I'm feeling chipper. And blogtastic...
My Christmas shopping is almost finished. By which I mean I've panic purchased in Boots the chemist and wrapped it up in my usual chewed up fashion. (Christmas was never neat). I hope my uncle likes the tights I've got him. They're ladder resistant.

THis weekend my mum is doing her room up so her freind is coming over to help and bringing his dog. I'm really excited. I love dogs. Especially this dog. It's a black and white collie and she's mental. AND she'll be in my house. Anyone who knows me should know of my mum's adversion to anything which might moult or dander inside the house. Hence I have snails. The dog gets an exemption though. It'll be great. *Next stop the pet shop for dog chew type treaty things*
Hmmm, what else has been happening?
I've been dropping lots of yule gift hints. I'm hoping for the post secret book, I love the site but hate that they disappear after a week. No other hinting been going on. I'm not that fussed over presents at christmas. Christmas pisses me off a bit. All these mentals on Tv and radio christmas is a christian celebration. No, its a pagan festival you stole. Like easter and halloween and all saints day and the majority of the individual saints days.
Bloody christians. (Hate mail can be left in the comments)
More on the pagan origins of Crimbo

Well I'm done.
Remember and turn the lights off before you go.

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