Friday, January 13

Ahah ahahah hahahahahah hahahahahahaha`

snigger chortle thrice snigger.
Much rummaging for compost and pots

Ebay we love you


Russel said...

Its as funny as a vegetable what has grown into a rude and amusing shape... oh wait...

So when you mentioned that one day you'd have to cook your world famous "Chili Surprise"...

(and by the way word verification is Sly KGB; is Blogger stuck in the cold war still?)

Bugtastic said...

the beauty of it is that they ALL grow into that shape.
A whole bush of them.
Chilli suprise indeed.
*hnuk hnuk*
Happy new year by the way!
Maybe the word verification knew about komrade kristmas tree.

Stuart MacBride said...

I want to know how many packets you bought, and if you'll have an evil glint in your eye while chopping them.