Thursday, December 14

Things I've discovered today

  1. This Picture (Above)
  2. 3pm is a bad time to start academic work when it is due in at 10am the next day.

  3. I'm a lazy, lazy wicked person.

  4. It's difficult addressing some crimbo cards (to not have this problem don't send any) I.e your lecturer: First name only? "from" or "Love" or "best wishes". Its a mess. I hate crimbo.

  5. It's pointless doing your hair when the weather is like this. I've ended up with a thatch instead of hair. It's like trying to brush a crash helmet or, to be seasonal, a crimbo tree.

  6. It's pointless putting on make up on days like this. I look like an oil painting which has run. And not in a sexy pop art type way. More in a washed out hooker type way.

  7. I really shouldn't be typing "things i've discovered" lists when my essay still isn't finished and its 8pm.

  8. shit happens.

  9. I'm unlikely to get higher than a desmond for my honours.This is all my own fault.

1 comment:

Ham Shanks said...

Happy New Year That Girl

This time of year is soooooo enjoyable when your a student isnt it. Cant have the exams 'before' crimbo and New Year can they, oooh no, where's the pain in that?

I remember it well

Good luck That Girl