Monday, December 4

neon tetras riverdance?

I've been told to start blogging again by Bulbboy so here's a post.
I met bulboy in his place of work and he said he liked my writing, which was odd. Not as odd as the nudie piccie of bulb boy on his blog, but still odd. *I see you zooming off to look*
Not that theres anything wrong with bulb boy nude, It's just that I've also seen Bulb boy's brother naked and there should only be one person per family that you see naked.

I have been away from blogger for a while as it's my honours year and I have difficulty remembering where I live, let alone think up something interesting to say to all you gorgeous people.
Life goes well with me. I am on an official drive to try to stop being a gloomy bumcheek so much. I'm the person you avoid in the corridor at work/college/school. The one you ask how they are and (horror!) they actually tell you- usually preceeded by a big *SIGH* .
Gloomy bumcheek indeed.

My little yellow snail is either a) Ill or b) In the huff and as I haven't said anything particularly offensive I'm assuming he's ill. In the case of ill snails you pretty much sit and see if they die. Happy energy this direction please!

I'm off to do work and will my snail to live.
Be the Awen.


Russel said...

Yet when I tell you to write more, you slap me about the head...

Huzzah for you have returned to the blogging...

Bulbboy said...

@ Russel,

Har, har,
it's because I kidnapped some snails and held them to ransom until a blog entry was completed!

(No snail was hurt in the making of this blog =P)