Tuesday, May 27

So long?

I was scooshing around my badger friend's blog when I realised he still linked here.
So I thought I would chuck a post up and try to get back into this. I miss the writing.

So do you see up the top under 'sprout appreciation' is says 'untrustworthy and a liar'?
I didn't write that.
My *insert tiny bit of sweary words* ex wrote that when he hacked into my emails and
stuff just before we split up. Now evidently he was on google too. It actually made me giggle because on my msn messenger 'quote' bit he had written "as long as our partners don't find out its fine"
I don't quite know how he managed to tap straight into my personal mantra but kudos.
He also printed out my emails and sent them to my mum so that should tell you what we're working with.
Several good things came outta this:
1. I now have a bound bundle of very rude emails to peruse at my considerable pleasure.(My mum never saw them) Its like a kinky book AND I'm in it!!!
2. I changed all my passwords, probably long overdue and not to silly ones.
3. I exercised restraint I didn't know I had and didn't use his paypal password.

Well now, my badger chum has his book coming out and I am really excited for him.
I just heard him on a podcast and dammit, if he didn't sound witty and intelligent! Its odd to hear him, not as my mate, but with his crime hat on, so to speak.
So everyone buy his book in November, its called 'The Good Son'

This has brought up an additional worry for me: The Book Launch.
I have been invited, and damned grateful I am too, but I tend to misbehave at these things and I really don't want to upset badger boy. As long as there's no Champers we should be safe.
If you happen to be along at the launch do us all a favour: For god's sake don't speak to me!

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