Wednesday, August 17

Funny for my ears

I've been listening to podcasts while at work. Yes I am the giggler at the desk in the corner. I'm sorry but a grandma porn story read out with the voices makes me laugh like a pervert in a pantomime. This giggling is caused by 'distorted view' who have an inspired sextastic tuesday edition with porn stories that are a little...disturbing to say the least. I quote "I realised it was the best blowjob ever because she didn't have her teeth in and it was her gums knawing on me" *shudder* made even funnier by the presenter, Tim, and his fantastic commentary and obvious glee coupled with disgust at the stories. Every other day is news of the weird and general chat on porn, sex and gross bodily function.
Seriously funny if you have that kind of sense of humour, you know wether you have this sense of humour. Distorted view is very very adult so if you happen to be a minor don't be going there and saying I sent you.Right?
Distorted view is available on Itunes. Or visit Distorted View
Ba da da da duh duh I'm lovin it!

Later in the day....

I just realised that I don't think anyone comes here. I think when Russel Left to start his blog I think you all left with him. *sigh*
oh well.
I'm thinking of changing the appearance of the Blog, I think It could do with lightening up a little bit. Any ideas? Oh yeah, I forgot; theres no-one here. *bigger sigh*


Bugtastic said...

thank you Gary :-)
Thanks for the text too.

Russel said...

And, hey, I may not have posted much of late but I'm still here and enjoying your mix of lunacy/insight.

. said...

yes, it needs lightening up a bit. even someone with a perpetual preference for black gets gloomy when it's perpetually on his blog. and i have the same problem. the thing is that most of the blogskins are just not quite right, and if you're a believer that a blog should reflect you both in content and in appearance...nothing fits. and black is, of course, what you wear when you don't know what to wear.