Tuesday, August 9

what a weekend.

Ok, don't get upset, Ijust think everyone gets this feeling.


Ok so for those of you who don't know I was engaged. Note the was.
I didn't really want to start phoning people to tell them, I couldn't cope with the "oh, what happened??" 'cos I really don't want to talk about it, it was very upsetting and amicable, no shouting and it wasn't done in anger. Plus I still have this silly bursting into tears and hyperventilating when I think about it thing going on. It's getting better though, I managed all the way on the bus without crying once! little steps :-)

If I went away

I was thinking at the weekend, If i went missing would anyone look for me? I've often thought about this after I saw a young guy sitting on the pavement in York and I thought "why has no-one come to find you?" He looked about 15. Someone should have been looking.
For me, on my bad days I just think about how many freinds I have and that I think some of them would try and find me. Thats a nice thought.


The young chap beside me on the bus was reading a book about 'discrete mathematics'.
Is anyone else getting lovely visions of people wandering about quietly thumbing their calculators and slouching in corners attempting equations?

Finally finally...

Does anyone remember a guy who used to write on here.... Russ or something? I seem to have a vague recollection of a beard but it's been soooo long.....

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