Monday, August 1

Trades description act.!!!


So I got my snail through the post. He's beautiful.
He does, However, make a mockery of the title Giant African Land Snail.
First off he came from Portsmouth. Secondly he's mini. You ever eat guylian chocolates?, the sea shells? He's worrying the same size and colour as one of these.
I went out the day before he was supposed to arrive and bought a big tank, substrate, cute rock water holder, heat pad (yeah yeah he only cost £1:50, the tank alone was £10, the heater £11 etc.)
So he arrived and I laughed. He's around 2" long, all in. I had put bits of food in for him that were bigger than he is. Still, he's a growing lad.
Also, If you want a pet thats all action and excitement don't get one of these he buries himself in substrate and doesn't move. At all. I move him, he eats and buries himself again. He has done a poo though. It was white (too much cuttlefish!!) yummy. Interested? here's a link on the snails.


I saw a green ladybird today. Honestly-green. fucked up or what??
So i looked here but they don't have green ladybirds. So I emailed them. I will await their reply with interest. I might be mad.

Nother poem (sorry)

I think dogs are rather cute.

I like to poke them with my foot

when the doggy sniffs at me

I touch myself excitedleeee!

my doggy fetish is rather strange

I have a horrid case of mange

my bits are just one giant scab

I got it off of next doors lab.

My doggie love will never stall

who else could I pull with a bouncy ball?

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