Friday, July 1

oh yeah

Happy birthday Russ me old bud.
You've been my mate for FAR too long (6 years!!). I'm constantly amazed at how far we've come in life and I'm overwhelmingly proud at how far you're going. You still dance like a monkey. You have good coffee, worrying pants and obscene slippers but I'm still pleased to be able to call you my Friend.


Jen Jordan said...

Oh! Russel! Birthday boy! I would sing you a song but you couldn't hear me.


I'm singing a song anyway!

Can you hear it????

I'll sing louder.

Can you hear it now????


How 'bout now????

I think I may loose my voice...

Russel said...

You know, I thought I heard the faint strains of singing earlier but I dismissed it as some kind of early alzheimers... Now I feel relieved!

Thankyou both Jen and Beccy. Another year older... several thousand brain cells lesser (especially after tuesday night).