Sunday, August 28

dear lord

I'm sat here and I think I'm still drunk. I haven't drank whisky for a while and I think If I want to keep my friends that will be the last whisky drinking for a good long while. What a tit I made of myself last night, I think I worryingly rang my Mum and said " yeah I'm to fucked to come home, have a good holiday" 'cos yeah, she goes away for a fortnight today and I couldn't drag my sorry arse in the door to see her off. what a knob. I'm writing this now as I am still drunk but I can feel the shaking, queasy feeling starting. How can you get nauseous at some coca cola? uhhh. Sometimes I wish there was some kind of voluntary organ donation scheme. I obviously shouldn't be left alive.
For regular readers you'll be happy to know that I met up with the girl that I had the faling out with last night. At the point I met her I had that non internal commenting thing going on so I really doubt I have friends left. Or family

1 comment:

Russel said...

The question is, were you able to soak back half a bottle of Jack in one go? *That's* a party trick (but not yours before anyone starts to think you're a raging alcoholic)...