Monday, August 29

when friends go bad....

Ok I don't usually do this but this is a portion of a email I have been sent by someone that used to be a friend, remember the camping fiasco?
I have never been accused of lacking integrity so I am interested in how exactly you measure this, answers on a postcard please!
And so to the email:

Would like to take this opportunity to ask if you have any
intetion of repaying the £30 that you owe me. I assume from
your lack of response to my request that you do not and
therefore will see fit to collect my debt by selling your
tent. If this assumption is incorrect then I advise you to
inform me so sooner rather than later.

In addition I belive that you cast aspertions that I would
tell anyone who would listen what happened on our holiday.
Unlike yourself I managed to keep my mouth closed until I
realised that you were informing people of your somewhat
edited version. I have no need to tell anyone who was not
involved however you seem to think that mere aquaintances
should be informed. However in this telling you neglect to
mention that I drove over 500 miles for which I recieved no
thanks and that you have not apologised for your behaviour
which was equal to that of a 5year old. How you can blame
the bank for you spending your money I have no idea!

I have little expection that you will resolve this
unfortunate incident as you have proved that integrity is
something you lack. For that I am most sorry.

A Couple a points:
She has little expection? what the fuck is that? As to the lack of integrity, I'm much sorrier that she has little expection, Personally I like a lot of expection.
The bank took charges-I didn't spend it, had she been listening and not yelling she'd have heard this part.
I'd really love to know who the 'mere acquaintances' are, as would they I'm sure.
Also If she sells my stuff I wont do anything. But my mum will. For those of you who know my mum thats not an idle threat :-)
on a petty note:
Intetion has an 'n'- intention
belive has an 'e'- believe
aquaintances has a 'c'- acquaintances.
I'm allowed a little petty.
I thank you, comments positively embraced.
Beca the integrity lacker

1 comment:

Bugtastic said...

hey gary. To be honest there was so much more crap she's been giving me than this! I kept shtum about most of the junk, but then this arrived and I thought I'd allow myself a little pettiness.
Jen forwarded a copy of the email to my friends herself so I'm not really breaking privacy!