Tuesday, October 11

ughhhh hair

So I was out and about last night. (Shocking I know but it does happen occasionally)
I got introduced to a chap called Pete.
Pete has white blonde hair. (Well, kinda gingery blonde) Anyone who knows me will be aware of how dangerous this is.
From the moment he wandered in I though "now thats hair I gotta touch!" The night progressed and I wangled a chat with this vision of blondness.
Eventually I said "this is a reallllly strange question but can I touch your hair?"
Well, dear reader, this was a step back for me. I thought I had gotten over the whole 'touchy hair' thing a few years ago. I felt like an alcoholic plummeting from the wagon. Especially when the *ughh* feeling kicked in as I was doing it. (As you just guessed, he let me) (Quite happily too I may add). Somehow I would have thought that a 6' tall girl getting her jollies from touching your hair would frighten people off but no.
I have to say it was the softest blondiness.

The hair monster cometh. Beware

never gonna give you up...

Talking of hair, I know you all miss him like I do: Click the rick


Russel said...

And people say *I* have strange kinks...

Bugtastic said...

my freind says shut it.

Mikey P said...

If you still have that portion of hair, please throw it away...

Bugtastic said...

It's ok Mike, I used it in a strange voodoo ritual last year.