Sunday, February 12

everyone else has one!

Here's my word cloud. Brilliantly there are a couple of swear words AND (and this is the best and!) two manic laughter bits. TWO!!


Russel said...

Look at how big my name is - bow down to my rampant ego!


Stuart MacBride said...

How come Russel's bigger than me? I've met him and he's, like, three foot two! Tiny, like a badger in corduroy trousers and a suit jacket.

That's just not right!

Bugtastic said...

hey- you see my name in there AT ALL??? nope! and it's my blog!!!
now THATS pants

Bugtastic said...

difficult too see but i believe that says "beard" at the top.

word verification has gone crazy:

Russel said...

Ahhh but the lack of your name shows your generosity of spirit and lack of pomposity.

And its foot *three* Mr MacBeard... These details are important...

Russel said...

Damn - I mean three foot three... Damn this cold... Making brain work wrong.

Stuart MacBride said...

You havea third foot? Is this a Fife thing?