Thursday, February 9

Valentines day Approacheth!

So I thought I would post a few Ideas for a green valentines day.
Every year over 100 million crappy cards go into our waste dumps, not being recycled or unable to be recycled because they are laminated or some such nonsense.
When did we start saying "I love you" with expensive, mass produced cards that, lets face it, suck anyway??? Is this kind crap going to get us Laid? NO!
"Here darling, I chose a shit card with false sentiment because, lets face it, I don't have the britches to sort out something original"
I can almost hear the pants hitting the floor.
Roses (the flowers), are out too, sorry; They are mass produced overseas with gallons of pesticides and use what amounts to slave labour.They are then flown across the globe adding to the Co2 problems. (And speaking as a girl, are as banal as they come)
So lets try to be a little more original on the day.
However, I realise most folk are unsure about straying from the beaten path,
So for the unoriginal and uninspired amoungst us (me included) I have provided some links:
Ideas for cards and what to do with them after the day.
Craftser: I quote from the site "If you've been known to run with scissors, cavort with your fellow rebel DIY'ers here" excellent site.
I'll add more as I find them.

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