Wednesday, February 22

A Nasty case of BPE

Yesterday I woke up with an eyeball that resembled a big pink blancmange. (I seriously hope thats the correct spelling. Never have I encountered a word like it)
So I went in to the optician fearing eye loss AT THE VERY LEAST. A gaping maw etc.
She diagnosed, however, bacterial Conjunctivitis. Or BPE*
So, I'm not allowed to wear my contact lenses until saturday. Disaster.
I've not worn glasses for 6 years now. I'm stumbling like a fool and falling down stairs**. Worst of all people are looking sidelong at me as I peer at them like Aunty Jan at christmas asking why you STILL don't have a girlfriend (are you one if them? Elsie at the club's son is and he wears pink shirts!)
I feel like a twock***
I miss my contact lenses.

*Big Pink Eye
** and over things, small children and pets
*** Look footnotes!

1 comment:

Stuart MacBride said...

Everyone should have more footnotes. You see: that's what happens when you rub your eyeballs with manky old pickled eggs of an evening. You need to get out more.