Tuesday, June 14

Rock my world!

D'ya know what I love?
Gullible people.
Them and stupid folk are the meat of my day.
I can sense a gullible person from, like , a mile off. They wander up and say 'hi!' and I think ooohhhh! Its almost sexual.
Not to say I don't get the same burst of joy when I realise I'm chatting to someone stupid. Now that is sexual, uggghhhh.
SO good.I love them when they start getting confused at what you are telling them. Someone in my office went and googled whether calories fell out when you ripped open a muffin. She thought calories would be in the little air space.
I could have kissed her.She made my day.
I like the slow creeping look of confusion that spreads across the face.
I just realised it and thought I'd share

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