Okay some of you groovy chickies might have noticed by now that the content in this blog varies tremendously between me: geofreak and russ: er...russ.
I actually do have a reason, excuse whatever. No, wait. I can hear you going "yeah, you suck" but honest , hear me out. Grab a coffee...
Okay, first off russ has internet access at home, I don't. I have no way of blogging except in uni IT Labs. So they tend to be few and far between.
Second, and this is the ball buster. This is the Laurel to the Hardy.
Russ is a published author.
Now I'm sure he's reading this now, hissing between clenched teeth that I've told you but hey, we're all pals. Buddies almost. Chums.
So the quality of my writing and his are real, real different. I'm more: " Hey this drunk person has scrawled something on a napkin"
russ is like a caffine fuelled story machine.
Plus he's side splittingly funny and I'm not.
So he's great,I'm not ( but don't invite him round your house; it'll take you ages to get the stains out the rug).
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